I created this website in grade 8, hoping to inspire young girls to pursue their interests in STEM without having to face the numerous barriers of doubt associated with being a woman in STEM.
When I first began to explore STEM opportunities to me, I realized the importance of a support system. A system that encourages me to try my best, whilst also showing me new concepts to expand on my current knowledge. Greenlight for girls, the company I work with has given me an outlet to share my thoughts and opinions with like-minded young women.
Amid the covid-19 pandemic, it is now harder than ever to experience in-laboratory experiments. That is why I created posts that encourage at-home learning and outline specific ways how to carry it out, as well as the science behind it. By making it step-by-step, it is easy to follow and implement into g4g's numerous student sessions which help young girls taking part in g4g workshops which are sometimes held online.
Now, as a high school student, I have a keen interest in Physics, math, and Chemistry. Using both my knowledge from school, as well as what my mentors have taught me such as Thaisa Brandão, the previous Ambassador of g4g, I have been able to hone in my skills on a personal project of mine that I was inspired to start.

Greenlight for Girls is a Non-profit organisation based in Brussels. It is home to a large group of ambassadors who come from over 15 countries. These ambassadors are all extremely passionate women who aim to contribute to achieving g4g's main goal: to inspire young girls to pursue STEM through sharing the fun of science in all forms.
G4G has had over 53,000 participants in their workshops, and despite the covid pandemic, has held over 410 in-person online events. G4G now operates in every continent of the world.
Pictured on the left is the G4G X Solvay Call where I had the pleasure of speaking with Solvay's CEO Ilhan Kadri on behalf of Girls in STEM and G4G. ​