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Chapter 2: The Pupa (Elementary + high school journey )

Ishaana Rao

Known as PUPA, during this stage the caterpillar forms a cocoon around itself. While inside this cocoon, the larva undergoes a remarkable transformation process called METAMORPHOSIS. This is the time, as it happens in school years, that the caterpillar’s body goes through significant physical changes and it starts to morph into a full-grown butterfly – teenagers and young adults are being prepared to start a new adult life.

In my elementary/ high school journey, there were many memorable moments, when I reflect on them, that forced me to make choices between spending my free time on academics or pursuing my own personal passions.

In middle school, my science teacher was the one who allowed me to confront the stereotypes about girls and put them aside to pursue my own passions. Although it may not sound like much, this teacher inspired me to take up coding and helped me develop my general interests in STEM. She advocated that I try coding competitions, join the middle school science club, and recommended that I attend a g4g workshop, which eventually led to me becoming an ambassador, and much more. I am extremely grateful for having such an inspiring role model, who was passionate about teaching others science. She taught me how science was an everyday object and made me want to explore and discover STEM.

During this time, I participated in my middle school science club. From there, this club enabled me to take part in Fondation Jeunes Scientifiques Luxembourg “Jonk Fuerscher contest, in 2019. In this, my partner and I coded a robot, with the thesis of “How can robots affect the lives of disabled people?“ Here, I realized that STEM unites us through borders. I set a goal for myself to meet new people, as well as learn new things.

From there, I experienced the moment that encouraged me to break my cocoon. I also went to Toulouse for the 'l'Expo science Occitanie 2019'. This is because not only was it an impactful experience, I was also able to talk with others, and in different languages, about a shared passion. I also attended "'Make it 2019 Luxembourg Youth Robotics Challenge’ along with my school at the time, and learned how to code a robot- something that encouraged me to break the gender stereotypes, as my group was all girls. In 2020, I also attended sheHACKS 2020 and an online Java workshop, both of which inspired me to pursue my journey of STEM.


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