Girls in STEM UWCSEA Dover is a group that I am a part of which I am the Chair.
The group is full of like-minded women who strive to go into the field of STEM in the future and look for an environment where we can research and experiment as a group. This year, in 2021-2022, we have had lots of initiatives, and are hoping to do many more things!
1. Writing Articles
The girls have agreed that we are going to create a website to promote our own writing and to extend our knowledge of ideas outside of the IGCSE syllabus or IB syllabus.
Check it out
2. Experiments
We have also done experiments in our sessions. For example:
- Van De Graff Generator: we explained the science behind it, while also trying it out ourselves.

- Aluminium Flames

3. Calls & Panels
We have had several calls hosted by girls in STEM, such as a space call with a NASA biologist, and an International Women's Day call, with Quantum mechanists, bioengineers, and machine learning specialists:

If you would like, you should start your own Girls in STEM chapter at your school!