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Chapter 3: Emerging Butterfly (University Journey)

Ishaana Rao

After a long time into the cocoon getting all the changes that an adult butterfly needs, this emerging stage is when the butterfly starts to come out of the cocoon. Its wings are still wet and need time to acquaint to the environment. This happens while the young adults are studying in college/university: They are preparing themselves for their adult life and its responsibilities, to become who they want to be.

Although I am not in university yet, I will be writing as though I will be/ I am. My inspiration for moving to the US or the UK would not only be the rich and diverse cultures of these two places, or the international communities, but also the university.

My career goals for this would be to take a course in engineering, mathematics, finance, or data science - all of which interest me as of now. Although I have no initiated classes and STEM researching projects, I would love to investigate and research a wide range of STEM projects. Ending off with this, g4g has been a catalyst for my journey by inspiring me to choose the path of STEM in university.

You do not just wake up and become the butterfly - growth is a process

- Rupi Kaur


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